Short Anthology with Plenty of Girth - Stories About Penises review by Carmilla Voiez
This is a well-rounded collection of five poems, ten short stories and six autobiographical essays celebrating male genitalia. It deals with old age, youth and gender. Often funny, occasionally disturbing, and frequently sweet, I am sure everyone will find something to admire if only its frank honesty. Wild Ideas, Too Much Tea, Garden of Vaginas and Field were my favourites. He, Scratching the Surface and We’re So Sorry were more difficult reads but added much to the collection. ...continue reading
A Pen Erect - a review of Stories About Penises by Ashley Evenson
When I first cracked open the anthology of tales pertaining to male genitalia, I had no idea what to expect. But from the very first cheeky poem, to the last soliloquy, I found stories of romance, terror, sorrow, hilarity, reflection and so much more. The stories offered a multitude of perspectives. Whether that is the story of a woman coming to grips with her son’s transitioning gender, or a Victorian lesbian’s manipulative means out of marriage. This anthology has stories of exploration, from a man’s simple daydream of what would happen with the ‘slip of a salad knife,’ or a full consideration of the life a penis might have lived. ...continue reading
Eric Karl Anderson - November Book Haul
London book reviewer Eric Karl Anderson talks about Stories About Penises and other November new releases in his monthly Book Haul. Stories About Penises starts at 11:30.
Nate Ragolia - Stories About Penises
"Stories About Penises is a witty, energetic, honest and insightful collection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry that dazzles with every turn of the page. If you want humor, you'll get it here. If you want philosophical meditations on sexuality, you'll get it. Most of all, if you want compelling writing that's been thoughtfully collected... on a topic both taboo and pervasive... this anthology is for you."
— Nate Ragolia; publisher and author of There You Feel Free and The Retroactivist.